Bathroom Door – Open or Closed?

The office that I’m currently working in is a house that’s been converted to office space ((Don’t ask. It’s a long story.)). Yesterday at work we had a discussion about whether the bathroom door in said house should be open or closed when no one is in it. Whenever I see the bathroom door closed, I assume someone is in it so find myself going to another floor of the house to use a bathroom because I think someone is using the bathroom but then it turns out there isn’t anyone using it. But others in the office say that they always close the door to an empty bathroom because they think it’s weird to have an open bathroom door and/or that is the norm in their culture. So then we got into a discussion about it. My bathroom at home actually has two doors – that opens into the hallway and one that opens into my bedroom ((Technically it opens to my bedroom closest, which is a walk-through closet into my bedroom.)). It’s actually a great design, because it means I have an en suite bathroom but also that guests don’t have to go into my bedroom to access the bathroom.)). The main reason that I keep the doors to the bathroom open when it’s not in use is actually because the cats like to do laps around the condo and that includes walking through the bedroom into the bathroom and then into the hallway (or vice versa) (I refer to this as “the cat highway.). One of my coworkers said she leaves her bathroom door open for airflow. So I said, “I leave my bathroom door open for cat flow!” It ended up being a mixed bag, with some of us who leave our bathroom doors open when the bathroom is unoccupied and some keeping it closed and also some discussion of couples where one person always leaves it open and the other person always closes it. And now I’m wondering which is more common, or is this something that people are pretty split on? Thoughts?

This is what I see when I open the bathroom door>

Comments |5|

  • Closed obviously means occupied. Especially in my house where there’s no lock on the bathroom door, because apparently in 1960 privacy in the bathroom was not a thing?


  • Reply

  • Door is open as the cat does not allow doors to be closed…ever. I even have a door with glass panels but where the bottom middle glass is missing so the cat can go in and out if the door is closed….nope…he is not having that…he sits there and cries til the door is open…butthead of a cat


  • Definitely open when not in use, unless the window is also open and the breeze has caused the door to close with a loud bang, startling everyone in other parts of the house.


    • Cats really are the boss of the house, aren’t they, Aunt Lynn?

      Sandra, I can imagine the surprise when you hear are large and unexpected bang from across the house!


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