So Many Plans!

So, 2019 is more than one quarter of the way done. I’d say “where has the time gone?” but I know exactly where it has gone – it’s gone into the teaching of the way too many courses that I’ve been whining about. Happily, all I have left of that is to mark the final assignment for one course, the final exam for another course, and mark the two final assignments for the third course. So really, I’m practically done!

Which means I can soon turn my sights to doing stuff around the condo that I’ve been itching to do (and which makes up like half of my list of goals for 2019). There is painting and building and installing and organizing on the horizon and it’s going to make me SO HAPPY! Also, if anyone has any tips for painting and building and organizing, I’m all ears!

I am also excited to set up my balcony herb garden again (and I’m sure the kitties will be delighted to have fresh catnip back on the menu). And also I need to clean out the frog tank and re-stock it with new frogs, because all the previous frogs passed away. So if anyone has suggestions for frog names, I’m all ears for that too!

I also want to do something creative – perhaps more sewing classes? Or jewellery making? I really, really want to take a stand up comedy class, but the next offering of the course I want to take starts when I’ll be in Halifax for a conference, so I’ll have to wait until the summer for that one.

And then I guess Scott and I need to figure out what our next trip is going to be ((Hopefully I will actually get around to blogging about our Scotland trip and our Palm Springs trip before our next trip!)). We’ve been talking about wanting to go to Japan, but haven’t made any concrete plans. Any suggestions (for either a Japan trip or suggestions of other trips we might want to consider), I’m all ears for that too! 

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  • Japan is wonderful and beautiful and amazing and yes, you should come here! I’m leaving next month, but you should still visit Japan. I love Nara. It’s half-way between Kyoto and Osaka, and it’s really just a day trip (make sure you get on the express train though, not the local). Kyoto has a lot to do, but it is spread out. Osaka doesn’t really have much. Tokyo has a ton of stuff, but again, it’s all spread out.


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  • Well, we’re really not that close to what most people think of as Japan. We’re on Kyushu, and it is beautiful, but getting to Tokyo from here takes all day on the train. But I love Japan and I think everyone should visit!


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