How Is It The Middle of August Already??

As Albert Einstein once didn’t say, insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. Here are some examples from my life of this phenomenon:

Me, during the school year: I’m so busy with all the courses I’m teaching, I just don’t have time to organize my stuff/Konmari my condo/do that renovation project. I’ll do it once the semester is over.

Me, during the summer: It’s sunny out and I just want to take advantage of the beautiful weather before it’s gone! I don’t want to be inside. I’m organize my stuff/Konmari my condo/do that renovation project in the fall.

And repeat.

Me, exhausted at the end of the semester: I’m going to make all my edits to my course now, so that it will be ready to go and I’ll be totally organized and not stressed when I teach this class next year.

Also me, exhausted at the end of the semester: I shouldn’t teach so many courses when I’m already working a full-time job.

Me, a few weeks into summer: Sure university administrator, I’ll totally teach that class in the fall. I’ve got all summer to prep it.

Me, in the last week of August: WTF? How is it the last week of August already????

And repeat.

Me, in the evening: I’ve got to be up at 5:30 am tomorrow, so I’m going to go to bed at a reasonable hour.

Me, at 11:45pm: *still reading stuff on the Internet* WTF? How is it 11:45 pm already?

Me, at 12:30 am: *finally getting into bed* I’m totally going to go to bed early tomorrow.

And repeat.

Source (Creative Commons license):

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