NaBloPoMo – Day 15 – New Foods I Made This Year #4 to #9

As previously mentioned, I had a birthday party back in the Before Times. I was recovering from my food poisoning, so I mostly made foods that weren’t too taxing, which meant I made fewer new-to-me recipes than I typically would for a party. But I did manage two new recipes:

I appear to have taken photos of neither of these, but I can assure you they were delicious.

The next new thing I made was shortly after the pandemic started and constantly being at home translated into let’s-try-a-whole-bunch-of-new recipes. It was Irish champ, which is basically mashed potatoes with green onions. Here it is shown with an Italian sausage, because I’m multicultural like that.

Irish champ and a sausage

My next new food was Chicken Breasts Dijon, which tasted really good, despite not looking that great.

Chicken Dijon

The next two things I made I actually blogged about at the time:

After that came a bunch of recipes that I made using sourdough starter discard, but I feel like my sourdough journey deserves its own blog posting, so I think I’ll stop here for now!

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