NaBloPoMo – Day 19 – Horseback Riding

In my ongoing catching up of blogging about blogworthy things that I totally meant to blog about at the time and then didn’t, I give you horseback riding for Alicia’s birthday!

It was way back in the old-timey days of late September, when it was still legal to socialize with people from outside your household. Since group socializing was not allowed, Alicia had to celebrate her birthday by seeing friends one at a time. For our celebration, we went horseback riding. We went to a place called Glen Valley Stables in Langley. We had a 2+ hour guided ride through Campbell Valley Regional Park – a shockingly huge park that I didn’t even know existed. It was absolutely beautiful and we enjoy perfect weather for our ride.

Horseback riding is a great activity for social distancing – you are outside and horses just naturally keep you at least 6ft away from everyone else!

Here’s me on Freckles and Alicia on Hank. They were both really lovely horses!

Horseback Riding for Alicia's Birthday

Highly recommend this place if you ever get the chance to go there!

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