NaBloPoMo – Day 20 – Echo Day

Ten months ago, my friend Carolyn tweeted this:

To which I replied:

And as it turned out, I have not been able to stop thinking about it ALL YEAR. Every month on the 20th, one of us will tweet at the other about this and it has brought me so much joy each and every month. I’m not even exaggerating when I say that this has been one of the highlights of my year. (Of course, this year being the worst year – by orders of magnitude – compared to all other years I’ve experienced – there have not been a lot of contenders for “highlight of the year”)

One March 20, 2020, we had this exchange, which in retrospect makes me want to laugh/cry:

Oh, the first days of the pandemic – we had NO IDEA what was in store for us.

But I did realize on that day the fun does not end this year, because:

So I’m smiling today as I hear the date echo in my head. And anything that can make you smile in 2020 is gold.

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