On the third day of donating…

Aunt Leah’s Place supports youth who are “aging out” of the foster care system at 19 years of age, as well as helping mothers keep custody of their children.

Aunt Leah’s Place helps prevent children in foster care from becoming homeless and mothers-in-need from losing custody of their children. To support them on their journey to self-sufficiency, we provide supported housing, job training, and coaching on essential life skills.


Aunt Leah’s provide provides such services as:

  • supporting housing for youth transitioning out of the foster care system and for young mothers in need
  • education and employment programs
  • life skills programs

Their annual report describes some of the ways they were able to support the clients during the early pandemic, such as ensuring they had access to food when going to a store was particular anxiety-provoking and items that were needed were often unavailable. As well, they provided access to cell phones/data plans and computers/Internet to ensure people were able to stay in much needed contact with family, friends, and community when everyone needed to isolate.

Aunt Leah’s provides really valuable services, supporting people (as their mission states) “on their journey to self-sufficiency”.

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