Goals for 2022

Another year starting amidst a bunch of uncertainty means I’m going with another small list of moderate goals for 2022. In fact, I’m going to use a very similar list to last year, but with a few additions.

By the end of 2022, I will have:

  1.  made 22 new foods and/or beverages that I’ve never made before – and blogged about each of them.
  2. read 22 books – and blogged about each of them.
  3. read at least of 7,500 pages, counting books, chapters, journal articles, reports and other long form writing (but not counting short things like news stories or tweets, because I honestly can’t be bothered to track those). ((This is the same goal I set, but did not reach, this year.)).
  4. done an average of 1 hour of mindfulness meditation per week. This is triple last year’s goal, but I’ve been really working on finding ways of incorporating mindfulness practice into my day and I’m finding it really helpful, so I think it’s a reasonable goal
  5. blogged 52 times – I’ve really been missing blogging. I only blogged 22 times in 2001, and it wasn’t for lack of ideas of stuff to blog about. I blame extended pandemic brain – it was hard to be motivated to do stuff, and getting the stuff that I *needed* to get done took all my energy. I figure setting a goal of blogging once per week is a reasonable.
  6. write in my journal 52 times. Similar blogging, I find journalling quite helpful but don’t always give myself the time to do it. Again, I think one a week is a reasonable goal.

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