On the first day of donating…

After a year’s hiatus, I’m bringing back my 12 days of donating. Not that I took a hiatus from donating last year. I did some donating, I just didn’t blog about it. But I kind of like doing this little 12 day thing. It gets my blogging and gets me thinking about where to donate some money as the year draws to a close.

As has become a tradition (when I’m actually doing this blog series), I’m starting with Purpose Society.

The Lower Mainland Purpose Society is “a non-profit social service agency whose mission is to deliver a continuum of social, health, educational and residential services..”


Purpose is located half a block from where I live. They provide all sorts of services, from child care centre to family development and therapy programs to youth clinics to educational programs to overdose crisis responses. This year I took take home naloxone training that was offered by staff from Purpose at the New West Farmer’s Market and I really appreciated the opportunity to be trained in this life saving method.

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