About Beth
Beth is a freelance scientist, educator, artist, model, and social engineer. You’ve been warned.
Beth started blogging back in July 2005, with the sole purpose of procrastinating on the writing of her thesis1. From there, her blog grew to encompass things beyond merely complaining about how she was procrastinating on the writing of her thesis. Things that other people might want to read about. Like the Vancouver Canucks and funny things she found on the Internet while procrastinating. And tales of shoes she bought on eBay.
Other things of interest:
- the blog posting from which this blog got its title
- Beth is one of 40 women who set the world record for the longest ever game of hockey in Sept 2011
Today her blog has a readership well into the double digits2.
If you want to read more of Beth’s narcissistic ramblings3 and science-y brain thoughts3, you can check her out on:
Jaiku (Beth 77) ♦ Pownce (Beth 77) ♦ Facebook ♦ Flickr (Beth77) ♦ Friend Feed (drbeth) ♦ Last.fm (Beth77) MyBlogLog ♦ Technorati ♦ Twitter (Beth 77) ♦ identi.ca ♦ delicious ♦ Digg ♦ LinkedIn ♦ YouTube
And last, but certainly not least, drbethsnow.isfuckingaweso.me
Also, you should note that Beth is a member of such prestigious organizations as:
- The Luxuriant Flowing Hair Club for Scientists
- The Order of the Science Scouts of Exemplary Repute and Above Average Physique
- The Zombie Research Society
- The Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster
1Despite her valiant procrastination efforts, she did eventually finish her thesis.
2This joke is stolen from this guy. She heard it at a talk he gave one time and it totally stuck with her.
3You know you do. Admit it.
Comments |5|
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Dude! This is the first blog I’ve seen with footnotes.
Model AND scientist? Promise not to build some sort of nuclear hovercraft and take over the world, OK?
Just followed a link to your blog from a comment you left on another one (TheblogaccordingtoBuzz, I think?). Had to laugh at your commentaries on UBC’s PhD gowns and parchments and frames from the bookstore! I defended my PhD five years ago; my framed diploma is tucked away somewhere in storage in Vancouver, possibly to never again see the light of day. And being so close to the anniversary of my defence (infamous in my department as the second-scariest defence in its history), I’ve recently had nightmares about it. Oy! So, long story short, I loved reading your recollections – although I won’t be surprised if another UBC nightmare haunts me tonight.
Oh no! I’m sorry if I’ve given you defense-related nightmares! What department were you in?
I managed a couple of lingering test-taking dreams, but nothing defence-related 🙂
I was in RMES.
[…] the plus side, Hockey Hotties has now been viewed 761 times – topped only by my about page, which has been around since I first put my blog onto WordPress. Hockey Hotties – Now With […]