Blogging Streaks

Every once in a while, I get this crazy idea that I should blog every single day. Here is a summary of my daily blog streaks thus far:

Start of 1st Blogging Streak (1 Jan 2007)
End of 1st Blogging Streak (88 days)
Start of 2nd Blogging Streak (1 July 2007) End of 2nd Blogging Streak (25 days)
Start of 3rd Blogging Streak (1 Jan 2008) End of 3rd Blogging Streak (58 days)
Start of 4th Blogging Streak (30 May 2008) End of 4th Blogging Streak (15 January 2009) –  231 days
Start of 5th Blogging Streak (17 Jan 2009)

Note: The first, second and start of the 3rd blogging streak occurred on my Blogger site. When I imported my blog postings to WordPress, I accidentally imported then all on G.M.T. instead of Pacific time, so when postings were made close to midnight on Blogger, they appear as the wrong date here on WP. Thus, for anything originally posted on Blogger, I take the Blogger date as the correct one for the purposes of determining my streak.

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