Official Kyoto Correspondent and Chief Fire Hydrant Advisor

Dr. Darren was appointed – without his consent or even his knowledge – as the Official Kyoto Correspondent and Chief Fire Hydrant Advisor for Not To Be Trusted With Knives (NTBTWK) on 1 May 2009.

He wrote a guest blog posting here, which was about neither Kyoto nor Fire Hydrants.  And he didn’t even actually write it for here; I just saw it on Facebook, thought it was awesome and felt the need to share it with my multitides of blog readers so I was all “hey can I put that on my blog?” and he was all “sure.”  And thus an international collobration was born.  Also, he is the only person I know that actually owns a fire hydrant, so that’s where that title comes from.  Dr.1 Fire Hydrant apparently does not reside in Kyoto; it is currently staying in an undisclosed location in the Greater Vancouver area until further notice.

Like my other consultants, correspondents, etc., Dr. Darren is paid for his services with my undying admiration and gratitude and with the ever lasting fame that comes from having this page on my blog.

Image credit: I totally stole this photo off of Dr. Darren’s website. Completely stolen. Because that’s the way I roll.

1I don’t know if Fire Hydrant earned his own Ph.D., but I feel like it should have. If I were the president of UBC, I’d give it an honourary doctorate. Because of that, I shall henceforth refer to Fire Hydrant as Dr.

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