
Category: finances

  • Happy 4th condo-versary to me!

    Hey remember that time I bought a condo? Would you believe that was FOUR years ago? Where does the time go? My mortgage broker sent me an (automated, I’m sure) “happy anniversary of having bought your condo” email, which is what reminded me that tomorrow is 4 years since I took possession of my humble […]

  • Donations

    My charitable giving “strategy” has typically been to wait until one of my friends is doing a fundraiser, or someone passes away and the family suggests a donation in their memory, and then to donate to those. I do have a few charities that I give to at least once a year without prompting from […]

  • How Much A University Sessional Instructor Gets Paid vs. How Much They Work

    As you may recall from all my complaining about how busy I was last semester, I was teaching a new (to me) university course. Teaching a course that you’ve never taught before is an *insane* amount of work, because you have to: develop the course itself – what are the learning objectives? what’s the scope […]

  • This and That

    It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas Well, not “beginning”, so much, as I actually put up my tree at the end of November. Kitties checking out the pieces of the Christmas tree before I assemble it. I like the way my windows surrounding the tree reflect the lights. Not shown in the picture, […]

  • Real Estate Mogul

    Hey, remember that time I bought a condo? That was pretty awesome and also stressful but mostly awesome. I’ve never done a real estate deal before, as I spent my twenties giving all my money (and a bunch of money that wasn’t mine) to various universities in exchange for letters after my name and the […]

  • The Most First World of First World Problems

    So I realized that this is the most first world of first world problems, so if you don’t enjoy people whining about how they are being given money, but not in the way that they want to be given money, you should probably stop reading right now. I’ve been meaning to blog it for a […]

  • Debt Free

    Yesterday, I paid off my car loan. Which makes me 100% debt free! While not quite as thrilling as the time I paid off my student loans, as my car loan was less than a quarter of my student loans, it still feel pretty good to have that monkey off my back. Look how pretty […]

  • Goals for 2013

    It’s 2013 in just over 24 hours, so I figured why not set up 13 goals for the new year? Lose the 15 lbs that I gained since starting my MBA. Seriously. I have clothes that I can’t fit into and it’s not good for my health to be carrying around this extra weight, so […]

  • Do You Have A Financial Guy?

    So, remember that time I paid off my student loans? I do, because it was the best day ever in the history of ever. Well, that was back in early April and it means that now, at the end of every month, I am finding myself the proud owner of $1,800 that used to just […]

February 2025