
Category: Longest Game for CF

  • A Familiar Face

    Hey, remember that time I played hockey for 10 days to raise money for Cystic Fibrosis? Well, yesterday when I picked up a copy of the Royal City Record (my local paper), I saw a familiar face from that game: Bill Markvoort. Mr. Markvoort was a great supporter of our game. His daughter, Eva, was an […]

  • For Your Television Viewing Pleasure

    Hey, remember that time I played hockey for 10 days straight and there was a documentary made about it? Well, if you missed it at the NINE different film festivals it’s been to and you haven’t bought a copy yet, you can catch it in the comfort of your own home on the Knowledge Network this week! It will […]

  • If You Only See One Documentary in 2012, Make it Lace Bite!

    November 17, 2012 is the date of the Vancouver premiere of Lace Bite, the documentary based on the world recording breaking 10-day hockey game that I played in last year. Sadly for me, I can’t actually go to it as I have class that day 🙁 But if you are interested, you can buy tickets […]

  • Watch It!

    The official movie trailer for Lace Bite, the documentary about the Longest Game of Hockey for Cystic Fibrosis: The movie is also now listed on IMDB and is an official selection at the St. John’s International Women’s Film Festival!

  • LG4CF – One Year Later

    One year ago today, I started playing a hockey game that didn’t stop for 10 days, 3 hours, and 5 minutes. It’s hard to believe that it’s been a whole year since then, but also, as I’m finding always seems to happen with really pivotal events, it also seems a lifetime ago. Even when I […]

  • LG4CF Documentary Teaser Videos

    Hey, remember that time I set a world record? I know, how could you forget with it being so epically awesome and all?  Well, I think I mentioned ((I say that I “think” I mentioned because I was kind of delirious from pain and sleep deprivation during most of that game, so I can’t be […]

  • I’ve Got Mail!

    I arrived home from work today to find this waiting for me: So first of all, it’s a piece of mail – and I love mail! And it’s from my niece – and I love my niece! And it references my world record holding status – and you know that I love my world record […]

  • Did You Donate To My Fundraising for the LG4CF?

    When I first started fundraising for the Longest Game, the online system used for donations wasn’t equipped to provide us with the names of the people who were donating. Once we got an updated system, names of donors were published immediately on the fundraising page ((If the donor gave permission, that is!)) So while I know […]

  • Getting Back To A Normal Life

    Apparently my ability to blog about anything but the game lasted all of one day. It’s been four days since the game ended and I’m feeling both like I may never fully recover and like it was all just a dream! My physical injuries are all very surface – blisters and abrasions  – and I’m […]

  • More Random Thoughts on The World Record Hockey Game – #lg4cf

    I’m sure I could probably blog about the game until the end of time! There were SO MANY times that something happened that I thought “I need to blog that,” but given that we had very little time to do anything other than eat, sleep & play, I didn’t get to blog most of them. […]

February 2025