
Category: music

  • Pandemic Playlist

    You know how some songs just resonate with you at a given time based on whatever’s going on in your life? Maybe it’s a song you’ve heard a million times before, but a lyric just jumps out at you in a different way because of where you are at the time you hear it? Since […]

  • One

    So I wrote that previous blog posting on the Skytrain and only just posted it with 3 minutes to spare before Nov 1 turned into Nov 2 and then I would have failed at NaBloPoMo before I even started it. I blame the fact that I teach on Tuesday nights and I ended up staying […]

  • Hello, It’s Me, I’ve Avoided You Forever While Consuming Calories

    Whenever I visit my family, I get introduced to awesome new movies and videos ((See: Cats & Boots, Dumb Ways to Die, and Turbo, as just a few examples.)). Yesterday, my niece introduced me to this excellent parody of Adele’s Hello, which we have been walking around the house singing all day: Given that I’m currently […]

  • Dumb Ways To Die

    This song is totally stuck in my head, which may or may not be due to my nephew wanting to view this video over and over and over again: And playing the video game.

  • Celtic Thunder

    Super tired from a long workday followed by evening class (after a weekend full of classes and a Monday class and omg, so many classes.) So today I give you Irish hotties singing a catchy Irish tune: Props to Leslie from my bus tour of Ireland for sharing this with me!

  • *Could* have been?

    So, I’ve been listening to Rihanna’s song Man Down, which I quite like, but there’s one line that drives me absolutely crazy: ‘Cause I didn’t mean to hurt him Could’ve been somebody’s son And I took his heart when I pulled out that gun *Could* have been somebody’s son? *Could* have? Is it possible that […]

  • My Nephew’s Favourite Song

    This is the song that I sang to my nephew when I was on vacation with my sister and her family in Portland this summer. Sure he was only 11 weeks old at the time, but he totally loves Metric.

  • T-Minus Two Weeks Until My Next Half Marathon

    Two days from now I leave for my vacation to visit the fam. Two weeks from now I will back from said vacation and running a half marathon! My training for this particular half marathon has been rather lacklustre, so I’m not expecting to set another personal best like I did last time. At this […]

  • The Return of The Cursed Chocolate Bar

    Long time readers of NTBTWK may remember the tale of the cursed chocolate bar. For those who don’t, let me explain. Back in the NHL playoffs of ’07…. oh hell, here’s a cut-and-paste job from my blog posting at the time: I nearly had a heart attack watching tonight’s game! It had been very frustrating […]

February 2025