Is there anything better than sitting at home, drinking a nice hot cup of tea, listening to the radio where everyone is calling in talking about being stuck in traffic because of this unexpected blizzard* we are having? 30 car pile up** here, traffic backed up for hours there. Apparently the RCMP have issued a statement about the driving conditions saying, “It’s not pretty.” Cars are sliding everywhere, everyone is cold, and you are toasty warm and cosy?
OK, I’m back. As I was writing that, my landlord came downstairs*** and asked if I would mind shoveling the steps for him. My landlords are older and can’t really do that sort of thing. And it really isn’t safe for them to walk on snowy, icy steps, so I said I would be happy to. Serves me right for bragging about my toasty warmness. Fortunately, the snow is that not heavy and, seeing as I was never made to shovel snow as a kid and have spent the last 12 years living in apartments where I haven’t need to shovel snow, it’s still novel to me and so I enjoy it.
Now, I’m actually going to head out into the snow, so I can see the carnage first hand. I’ll bring my camera.
*I went for a run earlier in the day, but it was just a light snowfall and it was actually quite pleasant to run in.
**In truth, it was probably a 3 car pile up, but you know how people like to exaggerate things.
**I live in a basement suite, FYI.
Happy Birthday Bethie!
Happy Birthday!
Why don’t we get snow? We’re actually supposed to get snow!
Surf’s up?!?!?
Happy Birthday Beth!!
(I actually sent you a happy birthday on Facebook, too, but I figure that more than one can’t hurt when it comes to birthday wishes!!)