New Blog Title?
OK, so first up we have the new title: Total Perspective Vortex. Astute readers will know this is reference to the Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy. For those of you who already know all about it, feel free to let your attention wander freely for the rest of this paragraph.** The Total Perspective Vortex is summarized by Wikipedia thusly:
the most horrible torture device to which a sentient being can be subjected […] it shows its victim the entire unimaginable infinity of the universe with a very tiny marker that says “You Are Here” which points to a microscopic dot on a microscopic dot.
Most people go mad from being shown how utterly insignificant they are. Only Zaphod Beeblebrox has survived it unscathed, as the TPV was “simply telling him that he was the most important being in the universe.”***
Anyhoo, I thought that Total Perspective Vortex would be a good (if nerdy) name for my blog because all indications given on this blog are that *I* am the most important being in the blogosphere. The drawback to this blog name is that some other guy already took the URL… he wrote a grand total of 3 postings back in June of 2004 and then abandoned the venture. Clearly, he was not the most important being in the blogosphere.
The only other name I have thought of comes from this photo, taken at Capliano Canyon last April:
Photo courtesy of Dave.
**And that was a reference to Dumbledore in one of the Harry Potter books.. I’m pretty sure it was the Goblet of Fire, but don’t have the books handy to double check it.
***Of course, he was in an artificial universe that was created specifically for him so he actually WAS the most important thing in that universe, but that’s beside the point.
****Also, has already been taken too. Sigh
Comments |2|
Tags: blog, book learnin', geek, homage, people who are cool enough to visit me, photos, Vancouver
I really like the tonal quality of that photo. Combined with the old school park sign, it looks like a Polaroid from the sixties. Mind you, the coffee cup is a bit of a problem, but Photoshop can solve that in about 37 seconds.
Excellent name, but it’s still sad, the end of an era.