Things I Didnt Know Before I Went to the Finger 11 Concert Last Night

  • Finger 11 is from Burlington, Ontario. I grew up in the town next to Burlington. That means we are practically related.
  • You can buy Smirnoff Ice in a can.
  • The Croatian Cultural Centre has the worst acoustics in the history of the world.
  • Winnipeg produces good bands. At least, one in particular – Inward Eye. They had the combination of hot boys, good music and an insane amount of energy on stage.
  • Cute boys travel in packs at concerts.

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  • Is that last note to remind you to go to more concerts? ๐Ÿ™‚ Except when they are held at CCC, right?

    Canada’s so small I can say: I know the guy who was in F11 before they were big! He’s the roommate of a friend/coworker. ๐Ÿ™‚

    Yay for concerts!!


  • Reply

  • Ahh…the Rainbow Butt Monkeys…

    We saw Finger 11 a couple years ago at Edgefest and enjoyed the heck out of them. I am glad that your concert total now = 7.

    Best band to come out of Winnipeg = The Weakerthans. Love.Love.LOVE.


  • hahah mike beat me to it. I had no idea they were called the Rainbow Mutt Monkeys until last night.

    It made me giggle.


  • Mike and Jeremy beat me to the only F11 trivia I knew ๐Ÿ™‚ The other piece of trivia was that they won the 97.7 HTZ-FM band search contest a few years back.


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