NaBloPoMo – Day 17 – Cat Photos!

Went to the gym after work today for the first time in more than two weeks – I’d put my membership on hold for two weeks as I was away for a week in Squamish doing data collection and then away for a week in Washington for a conference – and then I’ve spent most of my evening uploading photos to Flickr because I hadn’t uploaded photos for ages and I have ever so many. Anyway, now it’s nearly 11 pm and I’m still not done uploading photos and my brain is too tired from a hectic week of work to think of anything good to blog about, so instead I give you these pictures of my adorable cats!


Crick and I Snapchatting to Scott

This is what I see when I open the bathroom door

Watson on the fridge

Crick in a laundry basket

Me & Crick


Watson & Crick on a pizza box

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