Bad Grad Student Redux

Well, I haven’t posted in a while… mainly because I haven’t worked on my thesis in a while = (
(I now have a whopping 2 pages written for chapter 4). But it’s not completely my fault… I’m kinda waiting around to get comments from my supervisor on the discussion section of my paper (chapter 3) before I do too much work on it (… if she rips apart the discussion in the paper, I’ll have to redo the discussion in chapter 4 too, so I may as well wait, right?)… I’ve been trying to work on the “Future Directions” part of chapter 4, which is actually kind of fun ‘cuz you get to talk about all the crazy studies you think should be done but won’t actually have to do yourself.

On the plus side, I’ve set up our new office, and done a major teacher recruitment mailing for, the science outreach program I co-coordinate (the UBC Let’s Talk Science Partnership Program) and got my online course (FNH 250) ready to go for September, so at least my procrastination has been somewhat productive…

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  • Nothing like productive procrastination.

    I actually have so much crap I need to do, but I just chug along and get things done on my own time.

    And they do eventually get done.

    Nothign quite as grand as what you’re doing though.

    I just hang around in pool halls and such.


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