New and Improved Lit Review Outline – Now With More Subheadings!

I know you enjoyed the previous one, but now I have a new & improved outline for my lit review!

1.1 Introduction

1.2 Fetal Alchol Spectrum Disorder (FASD)
     1.2.1 Diagnosis & Prevalence
     1.2.2 Effects on Overall Growth and Skeletal Development
     1.2.3 Mechanisms of Ethanol’s Effects on Fetal Bone

1.3 Fetal Programming/Fetal Origins of Adult Disease
     1.3.1 Potential Mechanisms of Fetal Programming
     1.3.2 Fetal Programming and Bone Health

1.4 Growth Retardation

1.5 Fetal Bone Development
     1.5.1 Mesenchymal Cell Condensation
     1.5.2 Chondrogenesis
     1.5.3 Cartilage Development
 Indian hedgehog and parathyroid hormone related peptide
 Fibroblast growth factors
 Bone morphogenetic proteins
 Runt-related transcription factors (Runx)/Core binding factor(Cbf)
     1.5.4 Chondrocyte Apoptosis
     1.5.5 Cartilage Resorption and Angiogenesis
 Matrix Metalloproteinases (MMPs)
 Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor (VEGF)
          1.5.6 Ossification

1.6 Animal Models of Prenatal Alcohol Exposure

1.7 Thesis Objective

See — isn’t that a waaaay better outline? I knew you’d like it!

I’m up to section 1.5.2 on the revisions… my supervisor wanted a lot added to the Intro and the sections on FASD and Fetal Programming, so that took a while ‘cuz I had to do a bunch more reading (or re-reading, I should say)… but she wants the Fetal Bone Development section simplified, so I’m hoping that that won’t take me too long (since it’s a lot easier to cut stuff down than it is to add stuff in), but we’ll just have to see how that goes…

OK, that’s enough for procrastinating for the moment…

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  • TMI.

    Actually, I think you should put a prank in there or something. Like Sonic Hedgehog and parathyroid or somesuch.


  • I understand the need for science and accuracy and all that, but with headings like that, this thesis is never going to sell. Beth, give the people what they want. The people want headings like, “The part where I get the rats pregnant,” and “the part where I get the rats drunk,” and of course, “The part where I put the rats in the blender.”

    Now that’s a winner.


  • Dave is a genius. Watch as I transform your everyday thesis into a hollywood blockbuster:

    1.1 Prologue – The story behind the murders

    1.2 Fetal Alchol Spectrum Disorder (FASD)
    1.2.1 Dave’s Handy Guide to drink mixes
    1.2.2 Dave’s Handy Guide to home stomach pumps
    1.2.3 Pictures of Dave from the last big party

    1.3 Fetal Programming/Fetal Origins of Adult Disease
    1.3.1 Potential Mechanisms of Fetal Programming (BASIC or C++)
    1.3.2 Fetal Programming and Bone Health – (FOR-Next Loops – by Mr. Mazer)

    1.4 Growth Retardation (See Dave – Section 1.2.3)

    1.5 Fetal Bone Development
    1.5.1 Mydrunken Cell Condensation
    1.5.2 Chondrogenesisitisosis
    1.5.3 Cartilage Development Indian hedgehog and parathyroid hormone related peptide Fibroblast weapons (By Nerf!) Bone morphogenetic proteins (And how to maximize potential with Lucky Charms) Runt-related transcription factors (Runx)/Core binding factor(Cbf) How eating Runtz Candy is bad for you
    1.5.4 Chondrocyte Apoptosisitisosiscytis
    1.5.5 Cartilage Resorption and Anglogenesis and Fracogenesis Matrix Metalloproteinases (Starring Keanu Reeves) Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor (VEGF)
    1.5.6 Ossification (Make your own Jesus’ Brother box!)

    1.6 Animal Models of Prenatal Alcohol Exposure [Hic!]

    1.7 Thesis Objective – What thesis?


  • OMG guys, that is sooooo much better! I’m totally re-writing this chapter with your headings!

    Jorge, did you know that there actually is a growth factor called Sonic hedgehog, or were you just kidding?

    And, for the record, I haven’t put a rat in a blender in over 5 years!


  • Reply

  • No rats in the blender for 5 years? How are you getting by?

    I like reading about your academic tribulations rather than suffering through my own. Keep up the good fight!


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