Happy Birthday to Sarah!

Exactly one year ago, I posted a birthday wish to Sarah*. Funnily enough, she decided to have her birthday on October 2nd again, for the 29th year running. Sarah’s not very original when it comes to picking a day celebrate the anniversary of her birth. So here I am saying once again:


If you don’t know Sarah, it sucks to be you, ‘cuz Sarah rocks. Sarah is one of the most generous and caring people you will ever meet. She is a fiercely loyal friend, has an intellect to be reckoned with and a wicked sense of humour, and she will kick your ass at trivia (I don’t care who you are. She will). Sarah, being quite the travel bug, is currently on a boat somewhere. Or perhaps she’s actually in port somewhere right now, having all sorts of international adventures. Me, being the absentminded** person that I am, can’t remember where exactly she is.

Here is the most recent photo*** I have of Sarah and I, taken when she was here in August. We are at the Aquarium at Stanley Park with her friends Deepa & David, who were in Vancouver on a house hunting trip, as they moved here in September.

*This was back when I apologize for being “off topic” on my blog. ha ha ha!
**not to mention slightly hung over. Oops, did I say that out loud?
**There are more recent photos of us, taken on the day of my defence, but I don’t have them =(

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