New Year’s Resolution

I don’t usually do New Year’s Resolutions. I actually think they are kind of stupid, like playing the lottery. You just aren’t going to win*, so save your time and money. But this year I’m thinking that I should make a resolution to post something on my blog every single day of the year. Because god knows I need to be on the internet more than I already am.

How long do you think I’ll last?

*Except that one year that I stopped drinking pop, solely because I happened to drank the last Pepsi in the case at my place on Dec. 31 and I wanted to see how long I could last. It lasted over 2 years.

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  • On the one hand – I know how hard it is to come up with something to post every single day.

    On the other hand – I know how dedicated you are.

    I’m predicting 57 days.


  • Dude…you stopped drinking pop for two years? Back when you didn’t drink alcohol? It must have been tea and coffee city.

    What made you reintroduce it?


  • I don’t make predictions.

    Forcing yourself to post everyday will either make you feel proud of what you accomplish by doing so, or sick of posting.

    I used to think about that, but then I wondered if my writing would sound forced and stale.

    So best of luck to you in your endeavour! I hope your 2007 far, FAR exceeds your 2006.

    Knowing you, I have no doubt you will bend this year to your will.


  • Sarah – Yup, it was back when I lived in Hamilton. Drank a lot of iced tea. And you know, I have no idea why I reintroduced it. Just kinda got bored with the whole thing… it hadn’t been an intentional resolution – I’d only stopped because I didn’t have any in the house on Jan 1 and then it became a “hey, I wonder how long I can keep this up?” Weird, eh?


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