New Blogger

As Dave as so astutely noted, I have, in fact, changed to the new Blogger. And, sort of like New Coke, it does, in fact, suck.

I stayed up ’til the wee hours of the morning meticulously labeling all 230 of my previous posts. Would my time have been better spent doing my actual work? Perhaps. But I did it nonetheless and now you, faithful reader, can scroll down to the “Labels” section on the sidebar, click on the keyword of your choice and thus read all my postings having something to do with, for example, Vancouver. Or perhaps you’d like to read my 30 postings about the “Canucks” or my 2 postings which reference “Satan“, or… well, you get the picture. You’re welcome.

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  • You didn’t label this one, slacker.

    Of course, I’m one to talk.
    When I switched to WordPress I found out that Spaces is the only Blogging portal that no one actually bothers to import.

    So I have been transferring all of my articles (one by one) to WordPress (including comments). It’s taking a while.

    I mean, I started last April.

    So far I have re-done about 200 posts or so. I think I have 300 more.



  • Thanks for bringing this to my attention, Jorge. It has now been labeled and all is right with the world!


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