
As you know, I like to steal ideas from pay homage to other fine writers of the blogosphere. I noticed that Rebecca over at Larocque and Roll made up her New Year’s resolutions by hitting random play on her iTunes and devising resolutions based on the first ten songs that came up. Go here to read her list. Good resolutions, yes? So I decided to give it a whirl with the songs on my iPod… check out what I ended up with:

#1 – The Jeep Song by the Dresden Dolls – I should get an SUV this year? That doesn’t seem very practical for someone who lives in a city.

#2 – Gravity by the Dresden Dolls – Yes, I really should start obeying the law of gravity. All this flying around I’ve been doing is arousing suspisions.

#3 – Fake Tales of San Francisco by the Arctic Monkeys – I should move to San Fran… no fair, I’ve totally been trying to do that! Hmmm… maybe it means I should be telling more lies?

#4 – Animal I Have Become by Three Days Grace – I guess I really should tame this animal I have become. Or, wait, animal… animal… perhaps it means I should get a kitten!

#5 – First Orgasm by the Dresden Dolls – Oh wow. What do I do with this one? I need to have more orgasms??

#6 -I Love Myself Today by Bif Naked – Good song, but is this really how I should be getting these more orgasms?

#7 -38 Years Old by The Tragically Hip – Ah, perhaps this is where the more orgasms should be coming from – a 38 year old. Not the one in the song, mind you, because he’s never even kissed a girl.

#8 – Basket Case by Green Day – Clearly I am one, to still be writing this posting….

#9 – Underwhelmed by Sloan – Hmph. That doesn’t sound promising at all.

#10 – Only Love by Groove Coverage – I give up!

OK, that didn’t quite work out as well as Rebecca’s. So, I think what I really need to do this year is stop saying “stoled”*… I have no idea where on earth I picked this up, but I’ve said it for as long as I can remember. And it sounds soooo trashy! So, if you hear me saying “stoled”, unless I’m referring to someone who is wearing a stole, please berate me accordingly.

*As in “I stoled this idea from Rebecca.”

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