Birthday Bash!

As we all know, 29.5 is the new 19. Well, six months goes by fast, my friends, and that means that somebody’s 30th birthday is just a few days away. If you had asked me at the tender age of 29.5 what I wanted on my 30th birthday, I would have told you three things: (1) my Ph.D. (check), (2) my divorce to be finalized (check) and (3) to be living in California (not so much on the check). And while two out of three ain’t too bad, far be it from me to not score 100%. So I’ve revised #3 so that it now reads “(3) to go surfing in Tofino.”

For those of y’all who aren’t from around here, here’s a map:

As you can see, Tofino is on the west coast of Vancouver Island and I am under the understanding that the waves are wicked good this time of year. We’ve got a pile of friends (including some of my roommate’s friends (one of whom is also having a b-day this weekend) and some of their friends) and a couple of cabins (with hot tubs!). To those who think it is ill-advised to surf this far north in the Pacific in January, and to my mother who is sure that I’ll break my neck, I say “hush up you!” I can’t think of a better way to celebrate 30!

P.S. Should I be concerned that “Bear Aware” is one of the links on the District of Tofino website? Only time will tell.

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  • I think surfing is an incredible way to celebrate 30!! Nature, and that awesome feeling of freedom – two very special attributes in any birthday party.

    The only thing better, I think, would be skydiving!!!


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