An Actual Email Exchange I Had Yesterday

E: I’m meeting UBC‘s president and getting interviewed by City TV tomorrow…a tad nerve racking! I guess I better actually brush my hair tomorrow, eh?

Me: Are you being interviewed and meeting the prez for Reading Week stuff*?

E: yup!

Me: Cool. Try not to drop any F-bombs** in front of him đŸ˜‰

E: I’ll do my best. No promises though.

I have the best friends.

*”Reading Week stuff = a community service learning project that my friend runs on Reading Week, involving university students working with kids from inner city schools/adults from the inner city. Reading Week is the Canadian name for “Spring Break.”
**This is not an unprecedented. She once dropped the F-bomb in front of the Science Advisor to the Prime Minister.

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  • Dropping the F Bomb in front of the prez, and on City, would be a little sitchiation…

    Now that you’ve put it in her head, she’ll be sitting there with this thought in her head: ‘Do not drop the F-bomb. Do not drop the F-bomb. Do not drop the F-bomb. Do not drop the F-bomb.’

    And the following will be her comment: “Fuck!”


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