What Cell Phone Company Should I Go With?

So, I think I’m going to join the 21st century and get a cell phone. Now that I have a paycheque coming in, I can actually afford one. And since Dani is moving back home in just under two weeks*, I’ll be paying for the landline all by myself. So I figure that I could just cancel it** and get a cell, and use Skype for my long distance stuff.

But I’ve never had a cell phone before, so I’m really rather clueless. Any suggestions of what a good company is for getting a not-too-expensive plan? I don’t want anything fancy – although I would like to be able to talk a lot and not have to wait until after 9 pm to do so. And one that has decent coverage in Vancouver. That’s not too much to ask, is it?

* =(

**Although I think that I might need to have a Telus line in order to keep my Telus internet. Does anyone know if that’s true?

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  • I use Fido and I like it. Unlimited incoming calls is great. I guess Rogers might have that too. But yeah, I’ve never had any problems with it. I heard their customer service is terrible though – you don’t want to have any problems (with fido)



  • I have had really good luck with Telus. Great customer service, and I have never had trouble getting a Telus signal when I am in Vancouver. They don’t seem to have the same perks as Fido, though.

    If I were you, I would check out the big 4 (Rogers, Fido, Telus, Bell) to see which offer you the best plans while restricting your area. Since you spend most of your time in the GVR, you can often find a plan that will give you tonnes of perks (like unlimited anytime calling) if you are mostly within city limits. The calls from out of range would be more than if you had another plan, but the savings for your calls in Vancouver would more than make up for it.

    Or – you could see if they will give you deals if you bundle with your Internet…


  • Second Sarah! Telus has been great! They have great plans, great coverage and friendly customer service reps! (“Client care” is what they call it, I think.)

    I haven’t heard bad things about Virgin. But I’ve heard Bell and Rogers are awful! FYI.


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