Educating Harper

The frozen turkey that stood in for Stephen Harper at federal by-election forum in CalgaryOne of my colleagues sent me a link to a cool site called “Educating Harper.” It’s a site run by Dr. Susan Boyd, from the University of Victoria and a Vancouver-based group called Beyond Prohibition Coalition. The site:

comes in response to Prime Minister Stephen Harper’s new legislation that will see mandatory minimum sentences for growing marijuana, reduced funding for harm reduction and increased funding for police enforcement.(Bill C-26)

Dr. Boyd’s way of “Educating Harper” on harm reduction:

For each of the next 52 weeks, I will send Prime Minister Harper a letter containing educational information on harm reduction and drug regulation.

She posts each of the readings she’s sent to Harper (and she’s up to week 45) on the site. And she indicates that she’ll post any of Harper’s replies on the site as well. Although, not surprisingly for a man who has no interest in communicating with the public, there are no replies from Harper.

Note on the photo: On May 10, 2002, an all-candidates forum was held in the federal by-election in Calgary Southwest. Stephen Harper, the Canadian Alliance candidate, was the only one who didn’t bother to show up.
So, a frozen turkey took his place.
Photo by Grant Neufeld

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  • […] Beth points to, a simple but clever advocacy website on drug policy reform: This is a protest and education site by drug policy researcher and educator Dr. Susan Boyd in partnership with Beyond Prohibition Coalition, a Vancouver- based group that promotes community health, safety and drug policy reform. […]


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