Random Thoughts NV08
Notes to Self:
- Don’t wear thigh highs when you are wearing a skirt with a high slit in it.
- I didn’t hear the word “granular” once at this year’s conference. Last year, every second word was granular.
- I *totally* have to try out all of the 50 Web 2.0 tools for telling a story. Maybe make some cool stuff for my lectures.
- Buy a Mac.
In other news, I decided that both of my cool boots should get the chance to enjoy the NV glory. As you know, I wore the boots I bought on Christmas Eve on Day #1. Which means that the eBay boots made they blogging conference debut on Day#2…. Phillip kindly took a pic for me, I’ll share that with all y’all once it has been posted.
Alan Levine (the 50 tools guy) is doing a brown bag lunch at Land and Food Systems next Thursday, and will be haning out at UBC all day. He’s a very nice guy, and I’m sure he’d be happy to go over specific issues if that would be helpful…
Damn, wish I could make it out to campus on Thursday, but I’m working =(
Hi Beth, two Day 2, side view, boot pictures for you: http://www.jankarlsbjerg.com/download/pict2911.jpg, http://www.jankarlsbjerg.com/download/pict2912.jpg
Ahr man, let’s try that again:
Cool! Thanks Jan!