Is this a laser which I see before me?

Because apparently August is a good time for medical procedures, I’m getting my laser eye surgery re-treatment done tomorrow.

On Friday I went for the pre-op visit and everything seems to be in order. My prescription is stable, my eye pressure is good and my pupils are giagantic:

dilated pupil by you.

Oh no, wait, that’s just from the dilating drops the eye doc put in so she could look at my retinas. Which are, apparently, just dandy. As a side note, you can also see in this photo the little purple dots of petechiae all around my eyes from my recent puking episode.  Good times.

Maybe this time I won’t live blog the surgery – perhaps that’s why it didn’t work out 100% perfectly?  At any rate – send positive vibes and healing thoughts to me tomorrow afternoon ((Pacific time))!

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