BC Premier #19 – John Duncan MacLean

Today’s entry in my BC Premier Series is going to be short, as apparently John Duncan MacLean was the least memorable person in history. There’s a teeny tiny entry on him in Wikipedia and there isn’t even an entry on him in the Canadian Biography Online and you know as well as I do that I’m way too lazy to go beyond those two sites to find out more ((OK, I did go to the Mason’s website. But beyond that – I’m just too lazy)).

File:Happy face ball.jpg
A visual approximation of John Duncan MacLean ((I couldn’t find any freely avaiable pics))
Name John Duncan MacLean
Born: December 8, 1873 in Culloden, Prince Edward Island
Died: March 28, 1948 in Ottawa, Ontario
Party: Liberal
Held Office: August 17, 1927 to August 21, 1928
  • practised medicine (presumably he went to medical school for this, but I have no idea when or where. According to Wikipedia, John Duncan MacLean and his medical practice sprung fully formed from the sea in 1916. The Mason’s website indicates he traveled west in 1892 and was a school principal before he became a doctor)
  • 1916: was elected to provincial legislature
  • Minister of Education and Provincial Secretary under both Brewster & Oliver
  • 1924: Minister of Finance under Oliver
  • 1927: was designated Premier when Oliver died. The Liberal Party wasn’t doing so hot then and MacLean didn’t, or couldn’t, do anything to fix the situation.
  • 1928: defeated in the election; the Conservatives took over as government
  • 1928: ran in a federal by-election as a Liberal candidate; lost by fewer than 100 votes
  • became the Chairman of the Canadian Farm Loan Board.
  • 1946: received the title “Commander of the British Empire (C.B.E.)
  • 1948: died in Ottawa

Image credits: Accessed from Wikipedia. GNU Free Documentation License.

Wikipedia, the reference of champions
Grand Lodge of BC and Yukon

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  • I randomly came across this article while doing some research for my family tree. John Duncan Maclean was my great-grandfather so I thought I might fill in a few of the blanks for you.
    He was teacher across the prairies and BC and became a principal in Rossland, BC before heading back east for medical school. He graduated from MacGill in 1905 then returned to BC. He was practicing medicine in Greenwood, BC until he was elected as an MLA in 1916 (the year my grandmother was born).

    He had six children (three of each) and was buried in Beechwood cemetery in Ottawa. I even have a picture if you want one to post.

    I know you posted this a while ago and probably aren’t interested anymore but I thought I’d share any way đŸ™‚


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