
Category: BC premiers

  • BC Premier #32 – Canada’s First Indo-Canadian Premier

    So BC has a new premier! The BC So-Called Liberals chose Christy Clark, former Deputy Premier and former radio show host on WGYY ((White Guy (Or Girl, in this case) Yelling At You Radio)), to replace lame duck Gordo as the leader of their party and, thus, our new premier. And it reminded me that […]

  • BC Premier #31: The Premier Who Did Not Write The Crucible

    Hey, look at me, writing my BC premier series posting for the second week in a row. w00t! Name Arthur Daniel Miller or possibly Daniel Arthur Miller ((depends if you ask Wikipedia or The Canadian Encyclopedia. The Government of BC biography page only refers to him as “Dan Miller,” so they are no help)) Born: […]

  • BC Premier #30: Glen Clark

    Hey, remember a million zillion years ago when I was working on a series of postings about BC Premiers, posting about one premier each Sunday? Yeah, apparently neither did I. But with the convergence of needing to come up with a new blog posting topic every day this month AND the big news of Gordon […]

  • BC Premier #29: Mike Harcourt

    Premier of the Province of British Columbia. Name Michael Franklin Harcourt Born: January 6, 1943 in Edmonton, AB Died: hasn’t Party: NDP Held Office: Nov 5, 1991 to Feb 22, 1996 earned B.A. and Bachelor of Laws from the University of British Columbia (UBC) 1973-1980: served as Vancouver alderman 1980-1986: served as mayor Vancouver major focus […]

  • BC Premier #28: Rita Johnston

    The 28th Premier of the Province of British Columbia and the first female one ever! insert pic Name Rita Margaret Johnston Born: April 22, 1935 in Melville, Saskatchewan Died: hasn’t Party: Social Credit Held Office: April 2, 1991 – November 5, 1991 the first – and so far, only – female premier of BC before […]

  • BC Premier #27: The Zalm

    Name Wilhelmus Nicholaas Theodore Marie “Bill” Vander Zalm Born: May 29, 1934 in Noordwijkerhout, Netherlands Died: hasn’t Party: Social Credit Held Office: August 6, 1986 – April 2, 1991 born in the Netherlands, immigrated to Canada after WWII dropped out of high school and sold tulip bulbs (what else is a guy from the Netherlands […]

  • BC Premier #26: Bill Bennett

    Name William (a.k.a. Bill) Richards Bennett Born: August 18, 1932 – or possible 14th, depending on if you believe Wikipedia or the CBC Digital Archives –  in Kelowna, BC Died: hasn’t Party: Social Credit Party Held Office: December 22, 1975 – August 6, 1986 Bill is the son of Wacky.  So it’s sort of the […]

  • BC Premier #25 – Dave Barrett

    Look at me, actually posting about a BC premier on a Sunday.  Someone better check the temperature in Hades! Name David Barrett Born: October 2, 1930 ((same birthday as my resident historian! w00t!)) in Vancouver, BC Died: he hasn’t Party: New Democratic Party (NDP) Held Office: September 15, 1972  to December 22, 1975 Firsts: first […]

  • BC Premier #24: Wacky Bennett

    “The finest sound in the land is the ringing of cash registers.” -W.A.C. Bennett W.A.C. Bennett and his wife, Mary, beside HRH Princess Margaret. Name William Andrew Cecil Bennett (a.k.a., Wacky Bennett) Born: September 6, 1900 in Hastings, NB Died: February 23, 1979 in Kelowna, BC ((I think.  Wikipedia doesn’t actually say where he died, […]

  • BC Premier #23 – Boss Johnson

    So, here I am blogging about yet another boring Premier of the Province of British Columbia.  But never fear, the next guy on the list is W.A.C. Bennett!  Ole’ Wacky himself!  So just get through this one and next week I’ll have something less yawn-inducing for you to read about. Name Byron Ingemar Johnson Born: […]

February 2025