Today my kitties turned 3! Since this is the first birthday on which the cats have been with me, I wasn’t totally sure what the appropriate way to celebrate was. I mean, they don’t eat cake and cat nip shooters seemed like that might be overkill. But then when I went to the pet store to buy some food and litter the other day, I discovered this:
And that seemed like a super awesome birthday present for them. Sadly, however, when I tried them this evening they were an epic fail! The solution doesn’t make bubbles at all – I dipped the wand in the solution, but it wouldn’t make a film and so all that happened was catnip-filled drops fell on the floor. Which the cats did lick, so I guess the manufacturers were only lying about the bubble part of “catnip bubbles”. To make it up to the cats for the epic fail, I gave them some real catnip and then blew some regular bubbles ((Which I just so happened to have from my own birthday, thanks to my friends Monica and Chris who gave me a container of bubbles that looks like a ninja. Because ninja bubbles = amazing.)). They liked the catnip, but were terrified of the bubbles! Poor kitties.
Their birthday was, however, brightened up by a video call with my nephew, Thomas, who sang “Happy Birthday” to the cats while they ate their birthday treat of dried herring. Thomas, like the cats, is 3 and singing “Happy Birthday” is an awesome thing to do when you are 3. Also awesome is seeing kitties on video. And, apparently, watching your aunt put her hair in braids for her hockey game. Many things are awesome when you are 3. As well, my mom called to wish her grandkitties a “happy birthday” – these kitties are so loved!
I agree – you should have cake to celebrate their birthday – too bad about the catnip bubbles but if you can find regular non toxic bubbles – you can add catnip essence to it and try again but as they were terrified of bubbles – it does not matter but here are some ideas for their next birthday!
I am jealous that Thomas sang Happy Birthday to your cats but I hope you recorded it for prosperity which would be a good thing.
So good of you to celebrate their birthday – the best thing though is that you gave them a home.
let me eat cake…… I give my horse carrot cake on her birthday….lol
pics are so cute and so nice of Thomas to sing…. I wish I was 3 again….
I agree – you should have cake to celebrate their birthday – too bad about the catnip bubbles but if you can find regular non toxic bubbles – you can add catnip essence to it and try again but as they were terrified of bubbles – it does not matter but here are some ideas for their next birthday!
I am jealous that Thomas sang Happy Birthday to your cats but I hope you recorded it for prosperity which would be a good thing.
So good of you to celebrate their birthday – the best thing though is that you gave them a home.