NaBloPoMo – Day 13 – 43 days until Christmas
I can’t believe it’s only 43 days until Christmas! When I was leaving my sister’s place this morning to head to the airport, we were all like “See you in a month!” I know I (and everyone else) says this pretty much every year, but this year has *really* flown by! I feel like I just got back from last year’s Christmas holidays! And when I think back on the last ten and half months, I don’t feel like I’ve done that much. I mean, I worked a tonne and taught a course in all three semesters, but I didn’t go on any epic trips ((Granted, Washington, DC was pretty fun, but it was mostly conferencing and not nearly as much exploring of the city as I would have liked.)) and I didn’t do any epic fun projects. I also reached the end of the 1001 day for my 101 things to do in 1001 days list, but didn’t create a new list! Perhaps creating my next list will help inspire me to do something epic next year! That’s going on my ‘to do’ list… for after the end of the semester!