On the second day of donating…

BC is in the middle of a housing crisis, not to mention an epidemic of loneliness, and there are so many seniors living in situations of low income and social isolation. So for today’s non-profit, I’m donating to the Senior Services Society. They are located right around the corner from my home and directly across the street from my gym, but I didn’t actually know that much about them, so I just checked out their website.

Their mission is simply put:

To connect adults 60+ with individual supports & housing navigation services to enhance their lives. 


They run a number of services to help seniors live independently in their own home, as well as running a shelter for seniors who don’t have a home to live in. Some of their program include:

  • Better at Home, which provides non-medical services to help seniors live independently in their own homes
  • Meals on Wheels
  • Light Housekeeping
  • Bus Outings that provide an opportunity for social connections with other seniors
  • help completing a variety of government forms, like taxes and applications for social assistance programs
  • Santa for Seniors – providing gifts to seniors living in isolation

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