NaBloPoMo – Day 27 – Buy Local
Today is Black Friday and while I’ve never been one to care much about Black Friday sales (or Boxing Day sales, for that matter), this year, in light of the pandemic, a lot of people are talking about supporting small, local businesses. When everything started to shut down in the early pandemic days, people started talking about how small businesses were going to have a tough time and many would not survive. Restaurants in particular operate on razor thin margins, so not being able to do business, even with the financial supports in put in place by the government to try to help them weather the storm, was a death knell for some. But so many other businesses are affected too, whether because people are just less willing to go into shops in general, or for some specific businesses, because their operations require higher risk activities (like yoga studios). In the past I’ve paid lip service to the idea of supporting local businesses, but mostly did it when it wasn’t too inconvenient, or when it was something where I really preferred the local product (I’m thinking craft breweries and craft distilleries here, as well as preferring local restaurants over big chain restaurants). This year, I’ve really been trying to be more mindful of my purchases and local businesses when I can.
Anywhere, here are some of my favourite small businesses these days, in no particular order:
Massy Books is an Indigenous-owned local bookshop. They deliver and offer a great selection of books. Instead of Amazon, I’ve started buying my books from here. One of the books that I order from Massy was Soap and Water & Common Sense by Dr. Bonnie Henry. And when I got it, it had a signed card from none other than Dr. Henry herself, with her catchphrase written on it! You aren’t going to get that from Amazon!
Old Crow Coffee. These guys make super coffee and they have such an amazing space to drink coffee in. Right now they are just doing take out, but I have hope that once we are through this pandemic, I will enjoy coffee in their beautiful space again.
Burger Heaven. Really seriously delicious burgers. And a free milkshake on your birthday if you use their app!
Hideout Cafe. This is a little cafe just up the street from me that makes good coffee and yummy treats. The other day they had some anti-maskers protest against them for not allowing them in the cafe without masks. You know, because there’s a provincial health order requiring masks in indoor public spaces like cafe. So that’s total BS and we should all show the Hideout Cafe some extra love!
Patsara. Super delicious Thai food.
Pizza Garden. Super delicious pizza.
Steel & Oak Brewing and Another Beer Company. Sons of Vancouver Distillery and Mainland Whisky.
Balm Shelter, which makes a topical balm with CBD oil in it that is just the most amazing thing in the world for sore muscles. Some people at my gym told me about it and omg, how could I forget!
Strong Side Conditioning. As you know, I love my gym. It’s my favourite small business in the world and I am super thankful for every day that it gets to stay opened!
I’ll probably think of more and will add them when I do.
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Tags: buy local, NaBloPoMo, NaBloPoMo2020, pandemic blogging
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