On the tenth day of donating
Another nonprofit that is located close to my home is the Spirit of the Children Society. Their vision is “The spirit of Indigenous children and families in our community is nurtured to love, laugh, play, and achieve their dreams. Their unique cultural traditions are recognized and valued within a safe, respectful society” and their mission is:
The Spirit of the Children Society walks in love, honor and respect to learn, share our identity, and heal together
Programs include:
- programs for children, such as the Aboriginal Infant Development Program, Aboriginal Supported Child Development consultants, a Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) Parenting Support Group, and a Child and Youth with Special Needs Guide
- programs for youth, such as youth drop in, cultural teachings, and tweenies program (for children aged 7-12)
- programs for adults and families, such as traditional community kitchen, men’s support circle, women’s support circle, circle of security (for parents and caregivers), Bringing of Families Together (supportive supervision for parents and children in care), Family Strengthening workers, Fatherhood & Motherhood is Sacred, a Cultural Connections Worker, and Family Nurse Practitioner.
- housing support, such as Housing First and Homelessness Prevention