Goals for 2024

Posting this a bit later than usual. I did have my list ready on New Year’s Day, but then wanted to post my goals for 2023 review and my year-in-review and then got distracted.

  1. made 24 new foods/beverages – I always include this goal because I know that I’m going to crush it every year
  2. read 24 books – hoping I do better on my book reading goal this year!
  3. read 7500 pages – ditto to my page
  4. 26 blog postings – one every two weeks
  5. 52 journal entries – once per week
  6. 260 mindfulness meditations (5 per week) – I was just listening to a podcast where a researcher was talking about how the minimum amount of time needed to see the benefits of mindfulness mediation (for in people in high stress situations) was 12 minutes sessions, 4-5 times per week. So I figure that’s a good goal to aim for.
  7. learn 12 things – and by “things” I mean a specific skill or fact (as opposed to a whole topic area)
  8. crochet a stuffed animal – this will count as one of the “things” that I’m going to learn, as so far I’ve only crocheted flat things, so this year I want to try to crochet something in 3D
  9. do stretches 260 times (5 days a week)
  10. practice French 365 days in a row – currently on a 494 day streak and I don’t want to lose it!
  11. eat fish or plant-based protein at least once per week – seems like a good choice for my health
  12. make a charitable donation every month for a year – going to try to remember to do it each and every month, as opposed to just one average
  13. work on at least 1 joke per day (doesn’t have to be a good joke!) – this is inspired by Jerry Seinfeld (who I just got to see live on Saturday!)
  14. do 20 comedy performances (including open mics) – might be all open mics, but I can dream about getting booked for a performance!
  15. do a quarterly check-in on my goals – should be do-able!

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