I think I need an intervention…

I think that, perhaps, I may be addicted to the internet. Evidence to support this hypothesis includes that I have:

  • 8 email address. That I check daily. Did I say daily? I meant, hourly
  • 3 blogs that I post to on a (semi)regular basis
  • friends that I only know in an online environment
  • sold a copy of my thesis on ebay
  • 4 different ways of being instant messaged, 3 of which are online virtually 24/7
  • my CV and teaching portfolio and family’s Christmas wish list available on the web
  • maps on Frappr, photos on Fotki and Flickr and Facebook, and profiles on more than one social networking system (see my Facebook badge, which I’ve added to the sidebar of my blog)
  • hell, even when I do something nonline, like running, it somehow ends up being web-related, like when I mapmyrun.com.

And speaking of Facebook, I was goofing around on there and discovered that Fire Hydrant was a recent addition to this great procrastination device. Fire Hydrant is somewhat of a legend on campus at UBC, having actually run in several elections. So I added Fire Hydrant as one of my friends:

I think the “Details” of the relationship between Fire Hydrant and I (as listed on Facebook) are particularly amusing.

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  • Seriously? 8 e-mail addresses. There is literally no reasonable explanation you could provide for that.

    Also (because I’m a nosy bugger), what’s this mysterious third blog?


  • Check out my Blogger profile and you will see the other one (in addition to this one) (the other one, of course, being WT).

    As for email addies, I have my UBC one, three gmails (‘cuz I had one with my old last name and had to get one with my new last name to replace it; the third one is for storing pdfs of journal articles), my hotmail (for msn’ing), my hotmail (for more anonymous-type behaviours), my mugglenet one ‘cuz Harry Potter is cool, and my Yahoo (for my Geocities page). Perfectly reasonable. I’m not trying to justify my addiction here, why do you ask?


  • According to Stanford University and the Center for Internet Studies, you are officially an internet junkie:

    Of course, this is not news to any readers of your blog…


  • What the fuck did we do with our lives before the internet came along? I honestly cannot remember.

    But I bet it was more fun. đŸ˜‰


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