
So, I just joined a new group on Facebook: “If I were an enzyme i would be DNA helicase so i could unzip your genes.” Snicker. I never could resist a good science joke. So, in this Facebook group I discovered the Nerd Test. And I just had to know my nerd score. Read it and weep, suckas:

I am nerdier than 80% of all people. Are you nerdier? Click here to find out!

Ya, that’s 80 out of 100. 80%. I defy anyone to get a higher nerd score than me! I’m pretty sure I’m the biggest nerd here. I think I scored big nerd points for (a) having a Ph.D., (b) having taken university level calculus, (c) having a wicked amount of RAM on my new computer and (d) my vast knowledge of the periodic table. And perhaps it noted that I was filling out a online nerd quiz on a Friday night.

Ya, that’s right, I spent Friday night working on my laptop in a coffee shop. Using stolen wireless access. On the less nerdy side, I was hanging out with two friends who were also doing homework. And I’m going out to a country bar tomorrow night. On a schoolbus full of drunk undergraduates.

Oh wait, I don’t think that helped my cause.

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