Moosecamp ’07 – Post #1
I’m blogging in a blogging conference! How friggin’ cool is that?? The session I’m in now is called “Mashups for Non-programmers“… I’m learning how to use Yahoo Pipes. But the Yahoo Pipes site just went down… probably because everyone in this room has a laptop and everyone is on Yahoo Pipes.
Also, being a volunteer, I got a free cool T-shirt to appease my cool T-shirt fetish:
Props to the lady sitting beside me for taking this pic. Granted, it’s not as cool as the anal T-shirt, but it’s still pretty cool. And free. And you know how I love free stuff.
Also, here’s my name tag. The nametag has a place to add “tags” and I’m using mine to continue to propagate the myth that I am, in fact, a model:
And finally, here is the scheduling by group consensus session in action. See those colourful signs? Those are my handy work. Oh yes, I have mad Sharpie marker skillz.
Once YOU believe you’re a model, it becomes the truth. That’s how I convinced everyone that I’m cooler than cool!
[…] that blogging conference I went to last year? Ya, that was Northern Voice. And I’m volunteering again this year because I’m too […]