The Bestest T-Shirt Ever
‘member a long, long time ago I bought a T-shirt from T-shirt And then I asked y’all to guess which one I bought? And then I left you hanging for over 2 months without telling you which shirt I bought? Well, wonder no longer – I finally got around to taking a pic:
Okay, so I’ve thought about a drawback to the new Blogger feature of subscribing to follow-up comments via email: before you can subscribe, first you have to post a comment! Gah!
Oh right, the shirt…. uh, funny?
Ha ha… well happily I didn’t have to wait 2 months. It was probably more like 4 months, anyway. Or 8.
I *adore* that t-shirt. And funny how things go, I wanted to get a t-shirt that said “I’m not gay. My boyfriend is”. But I am now tempted to get one that says “I’m not gay. But your husband is. And I can attest to that”. Hehehehe (that’s for the woman who married my ex)
[…] But I’m sharing this info with you so that now you, too, can be thrilled with the anticipation of my new shirt. I promise that photos of said shirt will be produced here on NTBTWK. And in much better time than the last time I bought a cool new shirt. […]