I amuse me

Used my Facebook status to play a little April Fool’s joke this morning:

The fact that people use their FB status to announce such things these days made it just believable enough that I actually managed to fool a few friends.  Hee hee.

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  • dammit Beth! you almost got me. however, i wised up and realized that you were probably “expecting” something fabulous like an iphone or a new shiny book or hockey stick. can’t fool me! we’ll have to do something crazy like get together sometime soon!


  • How many people FB-messaged you “congrats Beth” or “Holy s**t … what are you going to do about it”?


  • I got 4 emails/IMs/FB wall postings from people who fell for it. Now I’m wondering if there was anyone else who saw the status, believed it and didn’t email, so I didn’t get to tell them it was just a joke!


  • Holy smokes, Beth… it looks like we academia-folks are late sleepers!

    Re: FB – that’s why I don’t have FB.


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