I heart my new keyboard!
I’m typing this on my beloved Hermione1. On the bus. And not on the itty bitty Palm Treo keyboard. But on a full-sized2 wireless keyboard. I’ve been wanting one since… well, since I got Hermione, really. I had one for my old Palm Pilot but it was the kind that you plugged the Palm Pilot into and it’s not compatible with the new Palms. And before that I used to use the infrared one that I gave to my ex-husband (or was-bund)3 for his graduation, but he got custody of it in the divorce. So I’ve been Palm-wireless-keyboard-less for quite some time now.
But I’m Palm-wireless-keyboard-less no more! And I’m celebrating with an inaugural blog posting from the venerable keyboard. I’m also celebrating by using the word “venerable.”
As you were.
1Hermione being my Palm Treo.a
2Note that I have small hands, so YMMV.
3 I told you I was going to start using that one!
aAnd, yes, I know it’s not an iPhone, like all the cool kids have. But ya have to play the hand that you’re dealt.
I’m envious! Have someone send me a wireless keyboard. Actually no. Have them send me a full MacBook Pro! With STATA and SPSS and EndNote included! đŸ™‚
If my iPod Touch came with a keyboard I’d be totally set for mini-computering.
A full-size keyboard? On the bus? That would be difficult imo.
Personally, I just adapted to the size of the keyboard (on a Treo 750). But I sometimes get non-words on it.
Whyfor no picture? I’ve seen pictures of all the outfits and shoes you’ve worn since 1984 but no keyboard picture. Whyfor?
[…] my new keyboard redux Leave it to my blog readers to keep me honest. I totally phoned in yesterday’s blog entry by not including a photo. In Dave’s words: Whyfor no picture? I’ve seen pictures of all the […]