BC Premier #9 – Theodore Davie.

Theodore Davie was the 9th Premier of the Province of British Columbia.

Name Theodore Davie
Born: March 22, 1852 in Brixton, England
Died: March 7, 1898 in Victoria, BC
Party: alas, still no parties
Held Office: July 2, 1892 – March 2, 1895
  • brother of Premier Alexander Edmund Batson Davie
  • 1867: went to Victoria  to join his father; studied law
  • 1874: he married a 14-year-old, Blanche Baker; she died 2 years later.
  • 1877: called to the bar
  • built a reputation as a very able criminal lawyer1
  • 1882: elected to the BC Legislative Assembly (seat = Victoria)
  • supported Premier Smithe‘s government, and then his brother‘s government
  • served as Attorney General under Premier Robson
  • 1884: married Mary Alice Yorke, with whom he went on to have 7 kids (4 boys, 3 girls)
  • 1892: became Premier when Robson died
  • you have Davie to thanks for the Parliament buildings in Victoria, as it was his decision to build them despite opposition from the mainland
  • continued to practice law while serving as the Premier
  • 1895: resigned as Premier to take the post of Chief Justice of BC
  • 1898: died of heart disease

In summary, Davie is kind of boring. Except for the part where he married a 14-year-old and was then widowed when she died at 16. What the hell is up with that?

Image credits: Accessed from Wikipedia. In the public domain. w00t!

1To clarify, that would be a lawyer who defends those charged with crimes and not, as it sounds, a lawyer who himself commits crimes.

Wikipedia, the reference that really doesn’t have much to say about Theodore Davie.
Dictionary of Canadian Biography Online

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