The ridiculously cute things my niece has said on this trip
“It’s as clean as a button”1.
“She’s so tired that her head could pop off!”
“Mommy says a lot of bad words.” To which my dad asked, “Does Aunt Beth say bad words?” To which my niece replied, “No. Only your other daughter.”
And my personal favourite was this conversation that we had while she was painting and I was uploading pictures to Flickr:
“Lugubrious,” she said, pretty much out of nowhere.
“What’s that mean?” I said, thinking that it was a word she’d made up, sort of like the name Sposheila2.
She looked at me very seriously: “Lugubrious3 means miserable. My teacher taught me that.”
1Apparently she likes to attempt similies, but doesn’t always get them quite right. My sister tells me that one day she walked into the living room, which had just been cleaned and said, “This living room is as clean as a horse in a living room!”
2Her toys are often named Sposheila. Or Sholo.
3Pretty much everyone I’ve told this story too has said, “Lugubrious is not a word.” But it is. I looked it up.
2I love that “miserable” is the word she uses to dumb down the other word to explain it to people. Because “miserable” is a pretty big word in itself. Especially when she could just say “sad.”
Comments |3|
Tags: aunty blogging, lugubrious, people who are cool enough to invite me to visit them
I am absolutely amazed that she knew the word lugubrious. That is hilarious and awesome! Personally, I love the phrase “clean as a button”.
Too funny. If ever I wanted to have a child, she would definitely be the one I’d order. You place orders for them, right?
Yes, I believe that is how one acquires a child. You order them online and then they are shipped through the tubes of the Internet. That’s why they have to be so small when you get them – they have to fit in the tubes.
I know lugubrious is a word but I did not remember the defintion.
Your niece is hilarious, especially the anecdote about how only your father’s other daughter uses bad words.