"Thus, the crux of such models is the attempt to refute or falsify their predictions."

Because apparently my blog is now just a vehicle for memes…

Today’s blog posting is the 56/5 meme. It works like this:

  • Grab the closest book to you. Now.
  • Go to page 56.
  • Find the 5th sentence.
  • Write that sentence as your status.
  • Copy these instructions as a comment on your status.
  • Don’t go looking for your favourite book, or the coolest one you have – just grab the closest one.

So, yeah, the sentence I got was:

“Thus, the crux of such models is the attempt to refute or falsify their predictions.”

You know you wish you read the books I read.  Seriously.

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  • Because apparently my blog is now just a vehicle for memes…

    Today’s blog posting is the 56/5 meme. It works like this:

    Grab the closest book to you. Now.
    Go to page 56.
    Find the 5th sentence.
    Write that sentence as your status.
    Copy these instructions as a comment on your status.
    Don’t go looking for your favourite book, or the coolest one you have – just grab the closest one.
    So, yeah, the sentence I got was:

    “What are you gonna do?”

    I bet you have read this book.


  • Perhaps the most popular day hike in the Parks backcountry, this loop begins and ends at Good Spring Church…

    Heh, Can you believe Tanya sent me here to tell you that!


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Category: Geekery
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