It’s Time For A Comeback
Specifically, a half marathon comeback.
Long-time readers will remember that two years ago, I ran my first ever half marathon (the Vancouver International). And then, five months later, I attempted to run another (the Royal Victoria). But apparently, not training for your half marathon is a bad idea, and so I ended up with an injured foot and, although I crossed the finish line, I only did so after limping the last 6 km. I had the best intentions to take a break from running to let my foot heal (which I did) and then train for the Scotiabank half marathon the following June (which I just… didn’t). I have, however, been running with my friend Alicia once per week for quite some time now. And, more recently, my friend Kim has been joining Alicia and I on our weekly runs. And now we are going to run the half marathon at the Vancouver International Marathon in May 20091.
We’re planning to follow the Running Room‘s half marathon training schedule. Which is an 18 week plan. And since the race is on May 3, I will officially start my training on January 11 – which just so happens to be my birthday2! Also, the race is just 13 days before Alicia’s wedding. We are going to be in some wicked good shape for her big day!
Anyway, step #1 = registering. Which I just did today. Despite getting this amusing little error message when I first clicked on “Register”:
I think I like “Where the content at?” a lot better than the usual “404 error – file not found” message. I clicked again and that time it worked. Weird. Anyway, I’m registered now, so I better get serious about contemplating thinking about about starting training.
Oh yeah, Monday (Dec 15) is the early bird deadline, so if you are thinking of running the Vancouver International, register now!
1Alicia and I are for sure. Kim is still deciding.
2Coincidentally, it’s also the day that Tanya will be running her half marathon!
Oh I’m SOOOO thinking of running a half-marathon! SO thinking of it… and deciding: no effing way in Hell!
Actually you should totally be doing triathlons since, unlike 90% of people who do triathlons, you know how to swim well.
I will be thinking about you while your training and running. You go girl!!!!