Hack Attack 2: The Re-b0rkening

So my blog got hacked AGAIN.  Because apparently the internets hates me.  Kalev, the Overseer of Deb0rking and Keeper of the Nerdery, again came to my rescue and deb0rked my blog.  And thus has been promoted to the Overseer of Deb0rking and Tsar of the Nerdery.  Because tsars are way cooler than keepers.

Anyway, that’s why my beautiful theme has disappeared and you are seeing this boring boring page. I will re-install my pretty theme tomorrow – I just got home1 and have to finish prepping my lessons for my teaching science to kids lesson for tomorrow a.m. and then I have to get to bed ‘cuz I’m super duper tired!

1My friends Dave & Lindsay have instituted a six-week run of “Patio Thursdays” leading up to their departure for England in mid-July because they have a kick ass patio (which is about as big as my entire apartment) at their West End apartment, so that’s where I was after work until now. And it probably took me the same amount of time to get from Surrey to the Granville St. Bridge as it did to get from the Granville St. Bridge to Smithe + down Smithe to Burrard. So not awesome.

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